April 2, 2021

The mental utopia we can construct with writing.1 minutes read

“There is no difference between writing and thinking” 

Jordan B. Peterson. 

I write because I cannot tolerate more entropy in my psyche. Every thought that is written in a cohesive way in front of me is a thought that is not hurting me as it bounces within the walls of my head.

There is a really strange sense of satisfaction to end up developing and thinking deeply about a topic. I have surprised myself several times, connecting two very distant dots of my personality, by writing about something that I previously believed to be perfectly known and understood.

Ultimately, I want to write every day because, at one undefined point in my life, I elaborated a vision. A vision for the quality of my thinking. In that place, I was not thinking the same things anew twice, I would elaborate on them. I would be able to hold a thought, look around it, attack it mercilessly for its truthfulness, and then incorporate it into my fluid belief system. Complexity would be complex, not stressful and abhorrent. I would be able to create and devise complex and big ideas, projects and would know what to do to make them a reality.

“Chaotic, shallow, convoluted and unorganized” is the faithful description of my thinking (less and less as I work on it). I believe that beyond the CREAZEE challenge, there is a place in which I will be closer to that metal utopia. Even if is just by getting the habit of writing and publishing engraved on the tips of my phalanges.

Day 2 / 31 from the CREAZEE challenge

Learn how to create a daily writing habit at :

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