April 1, 2021

A short and real introduction1 min read

“Who am I?” is to me, a tough question:

I am unapologetically me, but I know that this answer gives you no information about who am I. I can share with you that I am a black metal musician that is also starting a career as a life coach; helping people overcome the traumas of their past so they can focus on growing their business and life. This would give you some information about the kind of person and the type of decisions I have taken, but that is only some part of the question. 

We tend to identify with our narrative, in that case, I would tell you that my early years are the scariest times of my life. I was raised in an environment of narcissistic abuse, constant humiliation, screams, physical punishment, and manipulation. I survived and made myself. I had a special fixation with the north from early. Life was tough, I was tougher. I traveled to Norway to get involved in the Norwegian black metal scene, which I did. In the later years, I began to be stronger than my demons. Now I am giving them an education after learning that since those demons are part of you, fighting against them cannot be the solution.

As you see, that does not tell you about the bands I am in, the person I am married to, my loving cats and husky, nor the beautiful place I live in. To me, is always confusing to answer this question, perhaps this is because I don’t really want to know.

Day 1 / 31 from the CREAZEE challenge

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