March 23, 2021

The fears we don’t accept rule our lives.1 minutes read

The fears that we do not acknowledge, bias our actions anyway.

To understand this, we need to look into the mechanics of this sneaky bastards.

Let’s say you feel uncomfortable in social interactions, but you don’t want to accept it.
First, you go to the cinema, but look down or to another way every time that in your way there, you see a known face, to avoid talking to her. That moment was an uncomfortable moment to you, and since you don’t fully accept the cause, then the discomfort gets anchored into the situation itself, “going to the cinema”. Enough times afterward, you will simply “prefer not to go to the cinema”, once you have proffered that several times, it will become your identity, “You are not the kind of cinema person”, stiffening your mindset as a consequence.
Would you have chosen to acknowledge that fear, then you could have worked on it, and therefore, you would be free to go to the movie theater whenever you please.
what if instead of the cinema, I would say starting a business, or go out running, or going to university?
Those sneaky fears can be stealing you a good deal of joy and adventure in your life, so be sure you accept the truths of your emotions, no matter your judgments of them.
How do you get to catch them?
The answer is simple. Journal.
Notes, pen, and paper, or self-inquiry be sure they are all acknowledged and understood by you.
What? That simple? No, but that is the very first step and it cannot be skipped. 🙂


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