April 3, 2021

The fuel that powers your inner engine1 minutes read

Are you carrying the burden of your past wherever you go?

Wouldn’t it be great if it was the other way around? The narrative of your story can become the fuel that powers your inner engine, towards the impossibles that you ferociously achieve over and over.

Do you think this is pure rhetoric? Something that a person with a traumatic past cannot do? Just a nice-sounding paragraph of worn-out self-development jargon? 

It is possible. Who says that, has long ago decided to conform to his own victimhood and needs you to do the same. Otherwise, you would put him in evidence, showing the path that he has been actively ignoring. 

What path? The path of looking into it, writing about, crying, letting go, being frustrated, holding resentment then letting go of that resentment, just to remember something even worse than infuriates you! The path of falling again and pull yourself up, and becoming confused about the whole of life to than you realize a little thing that makes the whole difference… The path of hard inner work, inquiry, and liberation. 

The difficult path of chaos, discomfort, and deep personal empowerment and freedom. 

The path that will lead to a moment in which you will use the narrative of your past, as the fuel that powers your inner engine, towards the impossibles that you ferociously achieve over and over

Day 3 / 31 from the CREAZEE challenge

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