April 6, 2020

5 steps to turn your life around today.6 minutes read

And yes, I mean today, by the end of the day, you can go to sleep feeling like a different person.

I have been there, feeling depressed or lost in apathy, without mental or physical energy, lacking the focus and being a self-sabotaging, time-wasting machine. But I have also been fearless, enthusiastic, and capable of doing anything, with laser focus and crazy time efficiency.
The question is, what was different? And, more important, how to move from one to another?
For me to illustrate my point, I will have to explain a little allegory:
Usually, when you use some transportation like a car, you don’t stop the car 5 minutes after starting, because you don’t feel like driving anymore. Neither you “don’t feel enthusiastic enough” to fuel the vehicle. Neither you randomly change the path and then forget where you were you going. Those are problems that we do not face and seem silly to be considered. So let me ask you, what is different in you when you take the car (or anything else) and when you go by your day?

Do not create your dreams out of the expectations of others, no matter how important they are to you, they don’t live your life

Carlos MK

It is quite simple actually, the key is “Destination.”

To have a destination is so ridiculously powerful that it turns you into an efficiency machine, every time reaching the goal, effortlessly. It makes you so efficient that you never actually failed unless you got a flat tire or so on. If it was for you, you would have gotten there.
Here is the thing, you are the same person that can reach their goals in autopilot, and this effortless efficiency is the pragmatic proof of it.
These behaviors also work as an alarm, a hint that something is not quite there. You see, the energy is not there, the focus is not there, the motivation is missing, time-wasting… All these are signs that point towards the same direction; you have no destination, no purpose. And if you think you have one, you either don’t honestly like it, or it is not worth it enough for you.
Let me also explain here very clearly that purpose goes much higher in the hierarchy than a goal. Having a life goal is having something to do before kicking the bucket, having a purpose is a full-blown, meaningful and awesome quest which you are predestined to fulfill, something that once you get there, you and those close to you would tend to look at it and say “that is epic”. A purpose has endless goals.

Your life purpose must be epic to you.

Some people find epic to build a multinational, and others find epic to live in a cottage living from their art, or founding an animal shelter and running it, or having a band. Do not create your dreams out of the expectations of others, no matter how important they are to you, they don’t live your life. Not everyone needs to hustle and become a millionaire, what’s wrong with being a known poet, or artisan? Nothing! All you care about is that it makes you say “wow”.
Now then, how to get one?

Well, here is when most people go astray, so I will talk about my personal experience here. I used this strategy to go from being homeless, futureless and passionless, to change from country and play in an international band with musicians I adored when I was a teenager. And all in about four years, no help or lottery required.

If you have a life purpose… You will literally forget to check your telephone and watching Netflix!

Carlos M.K

1 – Want one:

Is it ok to you the life you live? If you feel like I described at the beginning of the article, you can allow yourself to be fed up with it. Ask yourself things like, “since when to be in this situation is ok?”. You have to question yourself this type of thing until you hear a “That’s it” from deep within. A need powerful enough to make you sit, and tell yourself “I am not moving until I know what life I want to live” (that’s exactly how I got the idea, by the way, those are the words, that was the inner state).

2 – Be stubborn:

You want it, now you must have it. And you know if you do because you either have it or not, this is not about whether you feel motivated or not, whether you can put yourself away from social media or not. If you have a life purpose, this doesn’t happen, period. You will literally forget to check your telephone and watching Netflix! So use these negative behaviors as signals that indicate that you either don’t have one or that is not it. We tend to get entangled in what others expect of us and often we internalize that image. At some point, we want to be kind, and this becomes a habit, and when that person is not even there, we keep on wanting to be what they wanted us to be because we trained ourselves to do so. Break that nonsense, what do You want?

3 – Choose one (you can choose another later):

Having a destination does not mean that you won’t be able to change course. We get easily caught on thinking that this purpose has to be something we stick with for the rest of our lives, like a tattoo of the soul. Here is where I disagree, that is another imposed notion we got along the way, from someone else. When you were a child and you were asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” the answer was there without hesitation; Focus on the right now when it comes to this, if it does not motivate you enough now, it won’t later.

4 – Get a life coach:

This kind of matter is what we are for. You can get a free 30 minutes call right now or more in-depth sessions if you can invest in your future and inner peace that will change your life. That is what I do for people, and you are worth the investment. Usually, if you get stuck in finding your life purpose, it might be an indication that something is working against you, below your awareness.

5 – Let yourself be obsessed by it:

There is nothing wrong with that, don’t let others tell you what you can and you cannot want, not even yourself. Might sound crazy but you have already many patterns of behavior that will reinforce the life you are living right now, and one of them might very well be an inner voice that thinks on other people’s agenda’s behalf. So even if it comes from within, learn to keep it in check.

6 – Bonus: “Know Thyself”.

Ultimately this will require a deep level of self-honesty and inner congruence, you might have that already or you might find out that you don’t, that is not a problem, because you want it and you will get it. Start a journal, do self-inquiry, be persistent, you have only one life that we know of. Any amount of effort you put into this will pay infinitely back to you.

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