April 15, 2021

Make the most of what you have – A quick step towards self-empowerment1 minutes read

You have been designed to excel at one thing above all:


To adapt is to learn to solve problems with what we have. Adapt is to change ourselves to what new challenges come our way, to rewire ourselves, and make the most of the situation we face.

We have come to a point where we have more tools than we have problems, and we very quickly get caught on hoarding tools, learning about possible problems we could fix with them, learning all the range of actions we can have… And rarely look at the problem face on and say, “I’m going to figure it out”.

You can use your innate intelligence, logic, reasoning, and brainpower to develop your unique solution to your specific problem. But why on earth would you do that if someone else has figured it out already, added a price tag to the solution, and put it out there? Simple:

You are borrowing someone’s intelligence.

 You know very well what happens to those parts of yourself that you don’t use? Yes, they weaken. What happens when you don’t use your own intelligence?

Face your problems and ponder for days with questions like “How can I do X with the resources and tools I have now?” 

Every time you borrow someone’s solutions, it makes you more dependent and resourceless, disempowering you little by little.

Question prompts

What problems do you face that you could solve by yourself?

How many tools do you have that overlaps each other? Do you really need both?

What functionality can you ditch in the name of simplicity?

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