April 5, 2021

Is God dead?1 minutes read

Well, do we really need him?

Let’s suppose for a moment that the old almighty creator of the universe with a particular fixation on sexual human affairs does exist.

He watches over us, and tells us good from wrong, and commits global mass-homicidal-exterminations once in a while to keep us behaving like good boys and girls. Let’s suppose that that infinite source of love and compassion dies. There is nobody now in charge to send us to the eternal sufferings of hell if we masturbate.

Now we would be alone, and without his guidance, it would be our responsibility to figure out right from wrong.

It would also be our responsibility to make our own rules and morals.

Emancipating from our parent’s house had a time of chaos, but up to some point, we put ourselves together; If God died, we would have to realize that to thrive in life, we need to embody the powers and the disciplines that died together with him. 

Of course, we would grief him. But being responsible for our damnation or salvation is empowering, is maturity. That is taking control and responsibility. 

Whether he is dead or not, let’s just behave as if he is, that will make a better future for us all.

Day 5 / 31 from the CREAZEE challenge

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