April 13, 2021

Why and when do I use hypnosis?2 minutes read

Have you caught yourself doing something, and you didn’t know why you did it? Does it feel like you want to do something, but a part of you does the opposite? Or when you don’t know where this extreme aversion for turquoise papagayos comes from? I use hypnosis in cases where the origin of a problem is in the subconscious of a person.

Early in my practice, I have gotten results within 20 minutes of a hypnosis session that several years of therapy could not match. Is that to say that hypnotherapy is the ultimate miraculous tool for change and transformation? No, there is only one such thing that I am aware of, and that is your determination to make a change. 

Conscious/Unconscious model

Bring a memory to mind. Good, you did that consciously. If you suffer PTSD, memories would just come to you, whether you want or not. In other words, you do it unconsciously.  Some of the things that I relay in hypnosis would be limiting beliefs, stuck states, phobias, chronic pains, childhood trauma, addictions, and defense mechanisms. 

Are there any adverse effects?

Not really. Hypnosis is a way to affect our psyche’s deepest places using tools like the nature of our attention, awareness, and imagination. Overdone can lead to the compulsion to rely on external sources to solve our problems, and I believe that is disempowering in the long run.

To be Continued ..


What issues do you have that come from your subconscious mind? Which ones would you say are a matter of conscious thinking? Are there any other applications to hypnosis than that? Ask yourself questions, and feel free to ask me in the comments

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