April 22, 2021

How to develop your cognition part one: The read – explain loop.1 minutes read

These exercises will develop your cognitive abilities. They are not fancy but will challenge you forever. 

We are as smart as 1, things we understand. 2, the problems we solve, and 3, the words we say. So let’s begin with the first one:

The things you understand: The read-explain loop

Read challenging material: About whatever relevant, non-fiction, non-mythical subject that you enjoy but also intimidates you intellectually. Then you have to write your understandings with your words, as you think about them. 

Don’t quote and repeat; Imagine a wall far away, you shout something, wait for a second, the sound bounces back from the wall, and you hear your words. That’s how intelligent a person must be to repeat something, as bright as a wall. Repeating someone verbatim is mainly done to fake intelligence, not to grow it.

This exercise will force you to think about complex things, recall them, and force you to understand them. Do this daily, page by page: What did I just read? How can I explain that easily? 

Next post, we will discuss “The problems you solve,” how you can enhance your problem-solving skills, so stay tuned. 

Day 21  / 31 from the CREAZEE challenge

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