April 20, 2021

Think, create, review, repeat -The circle of excellence3 minutes read

Would you like to become good at whatever you want? Would you like to do it for free? Look no further, this free blog post will show you the master process to excellence. Time is precious, so get ready to take your own notes, and let’s get started:


Don’t take for granted that all thinking has the same quality, there are tons of cognitive biases you should know about, and being rational, or “less wrong about your reasonings” is a rabbit hole that has puzzled humans since we know how to communicate ideas.

Here is a tool that can help you gain insight into your rational thinking habits

Now, think. Ask yourself questions. Are the answers true? How do you know that? 

Do ideas come to mind? Awesome! Brainstorm, write some drafts, don’t limit your thinking. Once you have gathered your best thoughts, the most useful to you and others, we go to the next stage.


Yes, you sometimes have to simply start, push yourself into the creation process, don’t care about whether you feel like it or not, If you make mistakes that’s good, else you won’t learn anything, ever.

Create, let it out, turn these ideas into existence. Create content about the process and be yourself on it. Is not only you who loves other’s people authenticity, everyone does! Be your favorite weird and unique self, and create!


This is the phase I struggled with the most, I know the feeling, I hate to look back, I hate to use time on things that do not feel immediately productive, but think about it.

Really, ask yourself this: How do you REALLY know whether you are doing a good or bad job? Because of what others tell you? Then you might find out that if you are not reviewing and consuming your own content once in a while, you are stealing yourself of the only oportunity you had of learning and making your own opinions about your work! 

Reviewing helps you with getting better ideas, make mental notes of what to do, see for yourself how does it feel to consume your own content, find the things that make you say “oh wow, this is better than I thought!”


Again, think about what you have created! Think both emotionally and critically, think with logic, and with the heart about your past creations. By doing these 3 steps over and over, you improve every go, and improvement always feels good.

 If you miss any of the 3 steps, the loop gets broken!,

If you don’t think, you will create lousy and shallow content that does not generate any engagement. 

If you don’t create, you will sit with a million ideas that go nowhere and all they will do is increase your overall levels of anxiety. 

If you don’t review you won’t improve as much, and most importantly, you won’t see your own progress, which will kill your motivation!


If you want to improve yourself, reflect on these 3 steps and think if you are missing one of them:

  • Is there something crucial you are not doing for some hidden fear?
  • What can you do to restore your circle of excellence?
  • Do you need to balance things out? fex: Less thinking, more creating, or less reviewing and more thinking?

The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it.

- Marcus Aurelius

Day 20 / 31 from the CREAZEE challenge

Learn how to create a daily writing habit at:

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