June 14, 2021

Black Metal Alchemist Podcast ep3: We Are Not Afraid of what we should1 minutes read

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Would you be open to the possibility of most of your fears being a smart way for your ego not to have to confront the cold truth, an even greater fear?

Welcome to the Black Metal Alchemist podcast, I am Carlos MK (AKA Ødemark) in which I talk about personal transformation (alchemy), the black metal way… ish 😉
Come with me for a walk in the forest in which I talk about my personal reflections about things I have found during my life that have both help me not only survived my inner hell but create a life I am openly proud of.
This channel also has the purpose of sharing to the world some of the philosophies and ways to see the world from a black metal point of view, in hopes to keep not only the music and sound but the spirit of it.
That being said, whatever I say, reflects ONLY my personal point of view (Which is also kind of the point in BM). I do not talk in the name of any community.
Supporting me in Patreon would have an incredibly meaningful impact on my life so if you decide to do so I am already thankful beforehand.

I am a life coach and I can help you change your life:
I also write a blog
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