January 19, 2021

Reality is not what it seems3 minutes read

Sometimes we yearn for change, we want , sorry, we need our lives to take a 180 degrees. Whether that is the case with you or not, there are many things to take into consideration when talking about such things.
One of the key concepts to really drill into one’s head is that “Reality is not what is seems”
What? of course it is! (I hear you say that). Here is what our parents did not teach us, and they didn’t because they weren’t told either. Even if this statement seems mombo-jambo-ish and new age, well, it is not. I am talking about cutting edge neuroscience (well Neuroscience is catching up to what practises such as Buddhism, Zen and whatever other spiritual practise that leads to Non-duality resolutions of reality know all along by the merit of studying intently the first hand experience of a person).
The truth is that you cannot, by design, relate to the world in a 100% pragmatic and purely realistic way.
You have all sorts of things superimposed on your experience of reality. What things ? (I hear you asking me while rubbing your chin, in a very pensative and cool thinking pose).
Your abstractions.
Your abstractions are, by definition, everything that you think, conceive, think, and even feel to be implicit in whatever is that your senses are sensing.
Whatever is not, let’s call it “Raw imput” from your perception mechanisms are things that are juxtaposed to them.
The issue here is that you also perceive them as if they came from the outside world, that is, the reality you experience is coloured massively by everything you think, expect and value. In other words, reality presents itself to you in a distorted way.
The same “Hi, how are you” might seem friendly or pretentious, depending on the background that you THINK is behind those words. A scary noise might not have the “scary” propriety to it if you knew exactly where it comes from.
In a way, discussing this is absolutely futile because it is the way that the human mind and the human condition simply is.
So why is this relevant?, and most importantly, how is this relevant to the most important, relevant, interesting and awesome person to have ever walked this planet? (I’m talking about you by the way).
It’s utterly relevant because you might be wanting to sell things to other human beings.

It is relevant to you because when you do something and you look at it, you also “see” your judgement of that creation, and what you decide to do with it will greatly depend on that. The words you hear from others are distorted, the picture you see in the mirror are distorted too.
You have experienced this endlessly, it is usually called “not being objective” and is usually something that mysteriously only everyone else on the planet does to one or another extent.
Do you feel good about yourself? Your reflection in the mirror is a bit cooler, your art is more valuable and your speech more clear, you make the sale at work.
You don’t and the opposite happens.
Now, if you fully understand the point, have some homework to do. How is your reality distorted in a way that does not contribute to whatever awesome fantasies about the future you might have? which ones do? How do you think you know the answer to those last 2 questions?
And as always, thanks for reading.

Essay 2/30 of #30ideas30days

This mini lecture is part of the “30 ideas in 30 days” challenge, Want to know more? The idea is simple:

  • Confront the dreadful blank page and write a personal, unique idea of > 300 – 400 words.
  • Share it in any medium that you can.
  • Add the Hashtag #30ideas30days
  • Share your results at the end.
  • Enjoy your ability to overcome your obstacles.

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